
This table shows new and modified tags on each object. Hover over a cell to see the original value. Click on an "Edit" link to validate the feature.

# amenity contact:email contact:facebook contact:instagram contact:phone contact:twitter contact:vk contact:website contact:youtube cuisine name name:en name:ru office opening_hours operator shop
 +7 7272 58 80 00
 Mo-Su 09:00-18:00
 +7 727 339 9860;+7 800 0802185
 Mo-Su 09:00-23:00
 "Alshaya Kazahkstan"
 +7 7252 53 45 18;+7 775 129 5984;+7 775 362 0572
 Mo-Su 09:00-02:00
 +7 707 044 2617;+7 717 267 7348;7405
 Mo-Th,Su 10:00-22:00; Fr-Sa 10:00-23:00
 +7 707 502 4949;+7 771 707 2727
 Шин Line
 Mo-Su 09:00-18:00
 +7 705 521 3248;+7 777 263 2639;+7 777 990 4876
 Nomad Insurance
 Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00
 «Страховая Компания «НОМАД Иншуранс»


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